@visible XElement’s Intersection Observer

XElement has its own implementation of the the Browsers native Intersection observer, this is provided through the @visible method.

@visible is the equivalent of Astro’s client:visible partial hydration selector.

This method allows you to execute client side interactivity as the XElement becomes visible to the viewport.

XElement allows you to apply fine grained controls over the observation itself, letting you target different roots, adjust the margins of the observation, and the thresholds for when to capture the observations.


Let us first explain the three optional parameters that are available on the @visible method.

  // Fire when visible

entry : IntersectionObserverEntry

XElement provides you the most recent entry to the observer, giving access to the IntersectionObserverEntry instance, which contains the information describing the intersection between the XElement and its target container during a transition.

The properties attached to the entry that are available to you are as you would expect from the IntersectionObserver API.

store : Object

Access to XElements internal data-store. We have a page dedicated to describing the store in more detail, you can visit it here.

The store allows for data to be stored and accessed from inside the callback function. Allowing for data and state to be exchanged between other XElements more easily.

options={...} : Object

The @visible observer is setup by default to accept only the basic values that the observe requires.

These can be overwritten by passing in your own set of controls that you wish to exert over the XElement.

  [root : HTMLElement] : document.querySelector('#someElement'), //Defaults to document viewport
  [rootMargin : string] : "10px 10px 10px 10px" || "10%", // 0px 0px 0px 0px
  [threshold : number[]] : [0,0.25,0.5,1] // [0]

These defaults would cause triggering the callback function even on the slightest change to the viewport. By providing your own options into the function as the third optional parameter, gives you finer control over the execution of the callback function.


this refers to the XElement itself.


There is two @visible methods that are available to use.

The @visible method can accept callback functions written in the following manner, to use await within the scope of the function, you would need to wrap the function within its async wrapper.

@visible={(entry,store,options={})=>{ }}

@visible={async(entry,store,options={})=>{ }}

@visible={function(entry,store,options={})=>{ }}

@visible={async function(entry,store,options={})=>{ }}

@visible : CallBack ( event, store, options)

This indicates that the given function should only run when the element is visible to the viewport.

@visible={() => {
  console.log('Im Visible and Active')

@visible:once : CallBack ( event, store, options)

@visible:once method only runs once when it becomes visible on the viewport, it then removes and disconnects itself from the Element.

@visible:once={() => {
  console.log('See me Once, run me Once')

Notes on Usage

The @visible method allows for developers to perform their own deferred execution of client-side interactivity based on the elements respective distance to the viewport and once it enters, have it execute your instructions.

Within the @visible method you are free to dynamically import scripts from across the internet, make fetch calls to other API’s, and be free to interact with any of the document API’s of the browser.

Since the code is only executed when it is intersecting the viewport. This deferred behavior allows you to do amazing things like preform lazy loading of content, delay execution of animations, retrieval of data as and when its needed.