@observe XElement’s Mutation Observer

XElement has it’s own implementation of the Browsers native Mutation Observer.

There is no equivalent hydration selector in Astro for this method. It’s a method that is wholly unique to XElement.

This Observer watches over the XElement for any changes being made to it. Reacting to mutations as; changes to the children, the addition or removal of DOM nodes, even changes to the XElement’s attributes.

There is the full compliment of observations that you can apply over your XElement.

The reason behind this @observe property is to allow you to react to changes to being made to the XElement properties. Should they change for instance, where the data-attribute is set by another element, this can then perform a fetch action to retrieve new data and populate its inner content with the new information.


Let us first explain the three optional parameters that are available on the @observe method.

  // Fire when visible

entry : MutationObserver

This provides the MutationObserver instance, which lets you watch for changes being made to the DOM tree.

store : Object

Access to XElements internal data-store. We have a page dedicated to describing the store in more detail, you can visit it here.

The store allows for data to be stored and accessed from inside the callback function. Allowing for data and state to be exchanged between other XElements more easily.

options={...} : Object {}

With the @observe method you can interact and change the options as you see fit.

Here are the following options that it accepts and the manner it is expressed.

  [attributes:Boolean]:'true'||'false' // Optional, true by default  
  [subtree:Boolean]:'true'||'false' // Optional, true by default  
  [childList:Boolean]:'true'||'false' // Optional, true by default  
  [attributeFilter:number[]]:[0,<,x,<,1] // Optional,   
  [attributeOldValue:Boolean]:'true'||'false' // Optional, false by default  
  [characterData:Boolean]:'true'||'false' // Optional, false by default  
  [characterDataOldValue:Boolean]:'true'||'false' // Optional, false by default  

By default the MutationObserver requires at least one of the aforementioned options, we have instead turned on three of the most common options by default for you.


this refers to the XElement itself.


There is two @observe methods that are available to use.

The @observe method can accept callback functions written in the following manner, to use await within the scope of the function, you would need to wrap the function within its async wrapper.

@observe={(entry,store,options={})=>{ }}

@observe={async(entry,store,options={})=>{ }}

@observe={function(entry,store,options={})=>{ }}

@observe={async function(entry,store,options={})=>{ }}

@observe : CallBack ( event, store, options)

This runs whenever there is a DOM Mutation change to the Element or its sub-components, such as: Attributes, Children, Modifications made to the Components Subtree and also any data changes.

By default it would observe all the aforementioned attributes unless specified, then it would only observe those options specified.

@observe={() => {
  console.log("Something's Changed with the element's properties")

@observe:once : CallBack ( event, store, options)

The @observe:once method only runs once when a change has been observed on the element, then removes and disconnect itself from the Element, and no further observations are made.

@observe:once={() => {
  console.log("Something's Changed with the element's properties")