Dynamic Imports

XElement allows you to dynamically import and utilize ESM modules from anywhere around the Internet.

Similar to fetch(), you can dynamically import ESM-ready scripts on any XElement’s @ method.

This small yet really powerful feature of allowing files to be called only when needed or on-demand even. import() provides so many additional benefits to enhancing your components.

⚠️ To import a file from the file-system needs to be handled slightly differently, we are currently working on a more suitable implementation and at present is only available in dev mode, not production.

How to use

To dynamically import a file from literally anywhere just apply anyone of the following import patterns.

However we do recommend using Skypack to help obtain modules from a reliable ESM-CDN.

  .then((module) => {
      // Do Something with the module...

@do={async ()=>{
    const thirdParty = await import('https://...').then(module=>module.default)

@visible={async ()=>{
    const thirdParty = (await import('https://...')).default

@click={async ()=>{
    const {thirdParty} = await import('https://...')

It really is that simple to dynamically import and execute JS modules from anywhere across Internet with XElement.


Below are some working examples of the power of dynamic imports in XElement.

Each of these examples are just simple extrapolations of what you can do with dynamically importing your modules with XElement on the client, to help enhance your components with some additional functionality.


Let us demonstrate a ‘Click’ event on a button, calling the canvas-confetti module from [jsdeliver]. When called it would execute with some confetti bursting on to the screen.

    import XElement from 'astro-XElement'

    const {button:Confetti} = XElement

            const confetti = await import('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/canvas-confetti@1.4.0/dist/confetti.browser.min.js')

This following example is in homage to our overlords. Here we are calling the popular gallery module to pick up on data-gallery-src attributes to apply a windowed gallery functionality to our component.

You can download the images associated with this demonstration here
    import XElement from 'astro-xelement'

    const {div:Gallery}=XElement

        @do={async ()=>{
            const gallery = (await import('https://cdn.skypack.dev/gallery')).default
        <div class="spotlight-group">
            <a class="spotlight" data-gallery-src="cat1.jpg">
                <img src="cat1.jpg">
            <a class="spotlight" data-gallery-src="cat2.jpg">
                <img src="cat2.jpg">
            <a class="spotlight" data-gallery-src="cat3.jpg">
                <img src="cat3.jpg">

Further Information

If you wish to explore the power that you can wield from leveraging client-side dynamic imports of your modules, we have gathered some further information for you to peruse.